Process Safety Jobs

Process safety is a process, not an event that  looks at all processes that involve handling, using, storing, moving, or manufacturing highly hazardous chemicals.  Process safety is multi-abatement for a single source hazard. A well diverse process safety system will consider a variety of sources to mitigate hazards such as elimination, substitution, engineering, administrative, training, procedures, and PPE.

It is estimated that over 98% of all food in this world passes through a facility whether it be processing, manufacturing, storing, or distributing that uses ammonia as a refrigerant. A typical industrial specialty food facility will need EHS personal to assist procedures with chemical spills, air quality, waste, clean water, and pollution.

There are thousands of jobs for process safety personal from PSM coordinators to PSM managers.   Most all entry level positions do not require a degree, but may need industry experience and/or a specialty trade course.  If you would like us to post a job for you please fill out this form at this link.

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